Rich Singles
Where are all the rich singles and what can you get out of dating a generous millionaire? While most of us will never get the chance to go on an unforgettable date with a super rich gentleman, there are in fact women who make a living from going on dates with high net-worth individuals. If you want to know what it is like to go out with rich singles on a regular basis, you just have to ask a professional sugar baby.

A sugar baby talks about dating rich singles

Elaine is a London-based sugar baby who exclusively goes on dates with rich singles. Beautiful, educated, witty and with a good sense of humor – that’s how Elaine describes herself in her sugar baby dating profile to attract rich singles. If you want to meet a woman like Elaine, your chances are quite good if you frequent the posh bars and members clubs in Mayfair and Chelsea. As Elaine explains, „If you want to meet rich single guys, you have to hang out where all the successful businessmen go.“
Indeed: There are areas in London where you have to try hard not to spot any rich singles. Elaine not only enjoys the expensive gifts she often receives on dates, though. Quite a few of the rich singles are so generous that they are happy to cover some of her monthly expenditures. This goes so far that her favourite sugar daddy pays her a substantial monthly allowance even when they don’t meet up.
Rich singles – full wallet, but short on time?

Many rich singles like the idea of dating, but are notoriously short on time. Business trips are frequent, working hours are long, and as it turns out, understanding partners are difficult to find. While money can buy most material wishes, it unfortunately cannot buy time. For this reason, a loose dating arrangement as the ones Elaine has with her sugar daddies can sometimes work better for both sides.
You can go for rich singles and still have your freedom
For Elaine it is important to clarify she still considers what she is doing as proper dating. The main difference is that both sides are aware of the limitations and acknowledge that there are boundaries and limits. At this point she is not looking for a committed relationship, but enjoys having her freedom. Seeing the right rich guys a couple of times a month? „For me, it’s the perfect balance. I can’t imagine anything else for the time being, I’m having too much fun!“