Why I Only Date Rich
A couple of years ago I decided for myself that I no longer want to deal with average guys. Frustrated from previous relationships and dating experiences, I set a new standard for myself. I would no longer settle for men who don’t know what they want to achieve in life and how to get there. Instead, I decided that my next date would have to be ambitious and highly successful in what he does. As many people get the wrong idea when they hear these things, I will now explain why I only date rich and why I generally encourage women to be demanding.

Why I only date rich – It’s not about the money, baby
Many people immediately think I am after a rich guy’s money when I start to explain why I only date rich. This is complete nonsense and not related to the issue at all. As an independent woman, I have my very own idea of what my lifestyle should be like. I have high standards, and therefore I need a guy who can keep up with me. Dating average guys may work for some of us, but I expect my boyfriend to be able to offer me a bit more. In some of my past relationships, I was with guys who always talked about their big plans, but never took the initiative to make them happen. I got tired of always waiting for them to go after their dreams. For me, progressing in life is very important, and being able to afford a good lifestyle matters to me.

If you ask me why I only date rich men, I can assure you it is not about the money as such. Of course, money comes with going out with wealthy men, but for me it is actually about the success. When you have high standards, you are probably looking for someone who can offer you a bit more in life. Nothing is more frustrating than dating someone who cannot give you what you want. And one thing is true for almost all of us: We are attracted to success! Successful and self-confident men are sexy, and most women admire a well-mannered guy who has achieved something in life.
Why I only date rich men even when they are older
Wealthy businessmen often happen to be on the older side, that’s a fact. You may wonder why I only date rich men even when they are significantly older than me. Admittedly, the idea of having a boyfriend who is 10 to 20 years older than you can feel weird at first. When I explain why I only date rich men, I therefore also have to explain why age doesn’t matter that much to me. To be honest, I think there are actually quite a few advantages to dating older guys. First and foremost, they are usually more confident and generous. As they have already proven to themselves what they are good at, I often find them to be less peacockish than young guys. And then there is also the sex, of course. The older the guy, the more sexually experienced he usually is. I find it quite enjoyable to date someone who is experienced and able to show it.

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